Thursday, 17 May 2018


1.covering your mouth
2.washing your hands
3. sharing your food and drink bottle

opening statement

1.If we have people who have the flue that we would
 not wont to spread around to people we would cover
our mouth and wash our hands at all times. when someone coughs into your inner elbow
 but if you cough anywhere you will be spreading GERMS
 and making people sick  so don't cough anywhere.

2.If you go toilet or finish playing outside always always
wash your hands or els you will be preventing germs
so when you finish a toilet go wash your hands or when
you finish playing outside wash your hands.

3.if  you share drink bottle or food you will get sick
because the person you share it with he might have
the flue its sliver is on the bottle  and you gize are sharing

GERMS can be made by anything not washing your hands
coughing anywhere and sharing your bottles so cover your mouth
wash your hands and don't share bottles and would you wont to be sick?

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